New collaboration with the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute

New collaboration with the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute

This spring the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute provided us a sample of particles from the atmosphere. The idea was to determine if LiteScope™ can help in the analysis of airborne particulate data using SEM / EDS. We were curious about the results of this potentially beneficial cooperation.

The main objective of scanning electron microscope analysis of airborne particles is to identify sources of air pollution. SEM / EDS only provides information on the chemical composition of the particle and the two-dimensional morphology. But the more we know about a particle, the better we are able to identify it. From this perspective, the knowledge of other parameters, such as three-dimensional size and shape or roughness, is very beneficial.

The measurements provided us with interesting information about selected particles, which will be useful for the categorization of possible particle sources in the future.

You can read the full article (in Czech) here!

We would like to thank CHMI, particularly Mgr. Jáchym Brzezina for cooperation.

In the picture below is displayed the height profile of different sized particles trapped on polycarbonate filter.

3D CPEM imaging of AFM topography with secondary electron signal (SE) material contrast including detailed imaging of the investigated particle. Light areas represent particles, dark areas are pores of polycarbonate filter (picture below).