Summer conference season with NenoVision

Summer conference season with NenoVision

Although the complications related to the Covid-19 pandemic prevailed until this year, they are not causing a total paralysis of the scientific events anymore. Despite the fact that they mostly went online or were adapted to a hybrid version, the microscopy conferences are back.

The organization of the online events on this scale is a way new challenge, that ranges from securing the technical background to managing the sponsorship. The fact that physical events would be a preference for a big part of the participants doesn't help a lot, however, online meetings have their advantages. The 21st-century world can be connected easily and therefore the conferences are more opened to all the world's participants than ever. The fact that the scientists will have to miss the possibility to meet physically with their colleagues is equilibrated with the unprecedented accessibility of the event without having to consider travel expenditures and time.

Therefore we are glad to invite you to the upcoming microscopy and nanotechnology conferences, where you can meet with NenoVision. For the summer holidays, there are three principal ones: